Danielle Platt

Danielle has held senior positions in HR and WR including:

  • Newcastle City Council ‚ Executive Manager Human Resources
  • Fisher Cartwright Berriman, Lawyers & Consultants ‚Senior Consultant
  • Clayton Utz Solicitors & Attorneys ‚ Consultant
  • Australian Business Lawyers ‚ Senior Consultant
  • Local Government & Shires Association of NSW ‚ Industrial Advocate

Danielle has worked in both private and public sector roles and has provided advice to a wide range of organisations as a consultant. Past clients include OneSteel, Hydro Aluminium, Pacific National Coal, Greater Building Society, George Weston Foods, Hunter New England Health, Newcastle Port Corporation, Abigroup, Chickadee Foods, The Sanitarium Health Food Co, Incitec Ltd, NIB, Pepsi Cola Bottlers, Tomago Aluminium, Valmont Australia, Defence Housing Australia, Eraring Energy, The University of Newcastle, Lake Macquarie City Council and Bulmer Australia Ltd.