Mediation & Investigation

Sometimes during the journey toward becoming a collaborative workplace inappropriate behaviours or workplace concerns/conflict occur. At these times remedial intervention may assist in responding and re-establishing collaborative working relationships.
PEEL HR can assist with trusted and independent workplace investigations, workplace mediation and facilitation. We carefully address the individual circumstances of conflict situations, but our focus is also directed toward identifying preventative mechanisms and recommendations so that these can be fed back into your systems and processes. The goal is always to grow capability and to enhance the work environment in order to avoid slipping into what can become a vicious cycle of repeating conflict.
Workplace Mediation
PEEL HR mediators are accredited dispute resolution practitioners. We have strong dispute resolution experience in the workplace context, and we are able to ensure outcomes to mediation are realistic and sustainable and that employees are held accountable.
Workplace Mediation offers constructive advantages for resolving conflict. It actively encourages clear communication, respectful working relationships and has an emphasis on sustainable and accountable solutions.
PEEL HR's Mediation Approach
PEEL HR supports the rebuild of individual working relationships to restore a collaborative working relationship.
PEEL HR’s approach to workplace mediation is a holistic risk management approach firmly focused on identifying systemic or environmental factors contributing to the catalyst of the conflict. We believe this is critical to ensuring the intervention of mediation is not short sighted and takes a preventative response. We believe this will address the broader matters and prevent an environment ripe for further conflict thereby achieving sustainable results.
PEEL HR can assist the parties by striking a Mediation Action Plan that will allow them to move forward with a productive relationship.
By conducting initial sessions with the organisation and the parties concerned, PEEL HR ensures everyone involved understands the mediation process and understands what is required of them and PEEL HR. Our workplace mediators guide and support the parties through the process of mediation ensuring they feel comfortable and prepared for the mediation session. We tailor our mediation process to the individual circumstances to ensure this can be achieved. We adapt the initial process of meeting the parties, understanding their concerns and preparing them for the mediation through meetings, telephone conversations and support via email until we and the parties concerned are comfortable to progress to a mediation session.
Following the mediation session, PEEL HR provides a detailed Outcomes Report to the organisation that does not break with the critical confidential nature of the mediation session but provides the organisation with recommendations regarding systemic and environmental changes, and if appropriate, to ensure that the work climate the mediation parties return to is not ripe for further conflict.
In order to ensure the Mediation Action Plan is sustainable and the parties are supported in achieving their commitments, PEEL HR conducts two reviews at appropriate intervals following the mediation session.
The PEEL HR team possesses a proven track record in managing workplace mediations. We have the technical competencies that allow us to navigate the current employment law climate, and the interpersonal skills to communicate with ease in mediation settings at all levels of an organisation. We have the competency to assist in identifying and responding to parties needs with a focus on setting arrangements for a positive and valuable future while keeping our eye on preventative measures through identifying systemic changes for your consideration.
PEEL have assisted many organisations with varying types of mediations including interpersonal, contractual and separation disputes in both public and private sector.
Find out more!
Would you like to know more about what is involved in a PEEL HR Mediation?
Download "The Pathways to Resolving Workplace Complaints - The Mediation Process".
Workplace Investigations
Our substantial experience in employment law ensures that your investigation is conducted with no stone left unturned, and that you will be in a sound position should the situation be escalated to an external
body such as the Fair Work Commission or an anti-discrimination body. We always ensure that we are abreast of recent developments, and hold a position on the NSW Department of Health Workplace Investigators Panel.
PEEL HR's Workplace Investigation Approach
Our approach to workplace investigations aims to provide an independent and impartial fact finding process producing a detailed written report. We set out very clearly the background and findings in relation to each allegation, along with recommendations relating to the restoration of a collaborative working environment. PEEL HR ensures that all procedural and substantive fairness requirements are met in the investigation process.
Consistent with our approach to workplace Mediation, we ensure that throughout a workplace investigation we identify any risks for further conflict and incorporate recommended control measures for those risks in our investigation report. Again, our approach is firmly embedded within a holistic risk management focus, and we set out to identify systemic or environmental factors that became the catalysts of conflict, and we ensure the intervention of an investigation is not short-sighted, and that it assists in generating a preventative response. We believe this will address any broader issues and prevent an environment ripe for further conflict, thereby achieving sustainable results.
If you are unsure about when or how to engage PEEL HR as external investigators click here.
Find out more!
Would you like to know more about what is involved in a PEEL HR Investigation?
Download "The Pathways to Resolving Workplace Complaints - The Investigation Process".
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