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Investigating Bullying: Widen the Lens

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Investigating and dealing with individual instances of workplace bullying is of limited value if the underlying causes are not also identified and dealt with. PEEL HR advocates a holistic approach to investigations that considers the context in which bullying occurs so that preventative changes can be made.

A practical tip from the opening discussions of the Special Interest Group at the 9th International Conference on Workplace Bullying and Harassment is to classify and consider the context of bullying in terms of the organisation, the team and the individual. Are there broad systemic issues such as culture that need to be addressed? Is there dysfunction within the team that is causing problems? Is there a lack of skill or understanding at the individual level?

Investigating and reporting on workplace bullying at each of these levels ensures a more comprehensive assessment of risk and a more complete response to the situation.