To complement our successful Respectful Workplace Series, PEEL brings you the Diversity and Inclusion Introductory Workshop. PEEL believes inclusive cultures and a diverse workforce can drive innovation and collaboration, create trusted partnerships with your customers, suppliers and community partners, and contribute to...Read More
Consolidation Conflict is a Positive Opportunity to Shape Future Culture
Monday, May 15, 2017
Change is challenging for most people, especially if they were not directly involved in decisions which may impact their jobs. M
What does it take to Build a Healthy Organisation?
Tuesday, May 09, 2017
Patrick Lencioni, renowned author of 5 Team Dysfunctions, recently gave an interesting webinar on something that speaks to our credo. He addressed his 20 years of experience with Healthy Organisations, which are effectively high performance-facilitating cultures. The clincher for us though was his reinforcement...Read More
Looking for an engaging and insightful way to enhance team effectiveness?
Sunday, May 07, 2017
Do you have teams where there is disharmony; where communication is poor and collaboration is low?
Do you have teams who are performing but you want to take them to the next level?
Conflict Coaching - What is it all about?
Tuesday, March 14, 2017
It is common for people to wait until conflict escalates before they do something about it, often this can mean significant impacts have been occurring to individuals and teams around them in the meantime. PEEL HR now offers Conflict Management Coaching (CMC) as a...Read More
All right stop collaborate and listen...
Tuesday, February 21, 2017
“Stop, Collaborate and listen”
The Christmas Lights Are On
Tuesday, November 11, 2014
“Tis the season to be jolly…” or so the saying goes. But for many Leaders, it can be a far cry from that. At PEEL we know December is upon us, or as we say, “The Christmas lights are on”, as our phones light up and...Read More
To Collaborate or Not to Collaborate...Is there really a question?
Tuesday, November 04, 2014
As market demands shift, organisations are ever-changing. The idea of ‘team’ is not just in the traditional term of a group of people who are all physically in the same location, reporting to the same manager, working to the same timeframes for similar goals. Today, the...Read More
A Better Way & Your Chance to Win
Tuesday, August 12, 2014
- Hiding. Looking the other way in the hope that the situation will take care of itself.
- Hurrying. Rushing...Read More
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