The short answer is yes! Research has found that when a person is prepared to advocate for the target of the bullying and take a stand on their behalf, the bullying behaviour decreases or in fact ends. Witnesses or bystanders are the...Read More
Can Legal Privilege protect the confidentiality of an investigation report?
Thursday, April 13, 2017
Who should have access to an Investigation Report and can ‘Legal Privilege’ protect the confidentiality of an investigation report?
It is important to be mindful during a workplace investigation of who has...Read More
Can customer feedback via social media amount to bullying?
Sunday, March 05, 2017
Organisations are increasingly utilising their social media platforms to encourage customer feedback.
So what happens when the feedback provided is abusive, defamatory, demeaning or belittling?
Can the employer be liable for bullying or harassment from customers?
...Read MoreEnsure you support the respondent during a workplace investigation
Thursday, January 19, 2017
PEEL’s message to clients to take care of respondents during investigations has been reinforced in a recent case considering a workplace harassment investigation. At a recent client breakfast, PEEL shared learnings from the 2016 International Association on Workplace Bullying and Harassment conference....Read More
PEELs Interactive Guide for Leaders
Thursday, June 18, 2015
The PEEL Interactive Guide for Leaders: Resolving and Promoting a Respectful and Collaborative Workplace is a support tool developed for leaders when they are managing concerns in their teams.
Tuesday, April 28, 2015
Today is a day of reflection. A day where we can all take a moment to pause and consider the actions we can take to reduce the risk of injury and illness in our workplace....Read More
Investigating Bullying: Widen the Lens
Wednesday, June 18, 2014
Investigating and dealing with individual instances of workplace bullying is of limited value if the underlying causes are not also identified and dealt with. PEEL HR advocates a holistic approach to investigations that considers the context in which bullying occurs so that preventative changes...Read More
Build Confidence by Showing That the System Works
Wednesday, June 18, 2014
Employees may be hesitant to raise concerns or complaints in the workplace if they lack confidence in the organisational dispute resolution system. This can lead to issues such as bullying going unreported or under-reported, making identification and resolution more difficult.
A practical tip...Read More
Workplace Bullying - The Latest Research
Thursday, June 12, 2014
Workplace bullying has become an increasingly topical issue. High profile cases and changes to legislation such as Brodie’s Law in Victoria and Anti-Bullying provisions within the Fair Work Act have stimulated debate about bullying amongst business leaders, HR practitioners and the community at large. This interest...Read More
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