To complement our successful Respectful Workplace Series, PEEL brings you the Diversity and Inclusion Introductory Workshop. PEEL believes inclusive cultures and a diverse workforce can drive innovation and collaboration, create trusted partnerships with your customers, suppliers and community partners, and contribute to...Read More
Can customer feedback via social media amount to bullying?
Sunday, March 05, 2017
Organisations are increasingly utilising their social media platforms to encourage customer feedback.
So what happens when the feedback provided is abusive, defamatory, demeaning or belittling?
Can the employer be liable for bullying or harassment from customers?
...Read MoreWorkplace Bullying be prepared, you only have 6 months to go
Monday, July 29, 2013
On the 27th June 2013, the Fair Work Act 2009 was amended to give the Fair Work Commission anti-bullying powers. They will come into effect on the 1st January 2014.
What does this...Read More
Social media consideration before termination
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
As the last week of most people’s working year comes upon us don’t be surprised to find some of your employees using social networking sites such as Facebook or Twitter to display their displeasure or air their grievances about their managers, co-workers or the organisation.
There have been...Read More
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